Intra-Oral Scanning
Intra-Oral Scanning has revolutionized dental impression making. We no longer need to use the bad tasting and runny impression materials that make patients gag. Pouring stone models is becoming a thing of the past. Models can be 3-D printed from the scan files.
Digital impressions can be saved as a digital file, emailed to the lab or sent directly to the milling machine where the crown or abutment is fabricated. The advanced design software is a remarkable advance in dentistry. We can merge the inra-oral scan file with the 3-D Cone Beam file to treatment plan implant placement and design surgical guides with precision. The files can be saved and compared with future scans to determine wear patterns and other anatomic changes. Our patients often say, "That's it?" It's so easy and non-invasive our patients prefer the intra-oral scan over traditional impressions. It's an amazing technology that has revolutionized the way we do dentistry.