Dental restoration procedures can return your mouth to its natural form allowing it to function more efficiently, reduce your pain and discomfort, and enhance the appearance of your smile. No matter what type of damage you have to your teeth or gums, getting the right type of dental care can make you more comfortable with your smile and allow your mouth to function naturally.
Prevents Bone and Gum Deterioration
Even with proper dental care, damage to your teeth and gums can lead to bone loss and gum deterioration. Dental restoration can rebuild bone through grafting procedures and can use dental implants to prevent gum deterioration.
Restores Proper Function
With the right dental care, restoration procedures help to re-establish proper function of the jaw and other soft tissues. Restoration procedures make it possible for you to chew more efficiently and speak more fluidly.
Improves the Look of Your Smile
Dental restoration procedures can enhance the look of your smile. Whiter, brighter teeth make you want to smile freely and allow you to be less self-conscious. Whether you are missing a tooth, have crooked teeth, or your teeth are stained, restoration procedures are able to perform the necessary corrections giving you back your smile and happy outlook on life.
Dr. Michael Bleeker is a board-certified prosthodontist at Villa Canyon Prosthodontics. He specializes in dental restoration procedures that can return your mouth to a more natural and functional appearance. He provides quality dental care that offers long-lasting results that will improve your quality of life and brighten your smile.